Friday, June 12, 2009

Josh is not happy with these posts.

Have you tried:

1) one of a little figure with a thought bubble and in the bubble a thought about Florence.

2) one where you combine a photo with the text.

3) One where you fill up the page with one story

4) one where it is a quiet white page with one beautiful, thoughtful statement about Florence.

I am not sure it should read like the game. If so, how about taking a photo of an actual facebook post and turning that into a postcard. The cropping could turn that fragment into a beautiful image too.

Other thoughts... Let's see what Sarah did.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, I meant the other two I made that I did not post. I like the idea about departing it from the game. I will tweak. I just don't want these to look like hallmark cards. Anyways, I will continue to work on some and post again tonight.
